Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Woman in the Small Cute Shoes

"What is it that you actually want for yourself?"

JY, standing at an impressive height of 1.58m, with her petite frame and small feet, trying to match my pace while we were walking to Nicholl Highway to grab a cab, asked me.

Before that I told her I wanted to earn a mountain of money, so that my parents will not worry about medical bills, I will be able to support my brother in whatever he wants to do and most importantly I will feel safe.

"But you wanted a mountain of money because of other people, so what is it that you actually wanted for yourself?" JY continued.

I couldn't answer her question.

It never struck me what I really wanted for myself.

In one of my usual diffusion tactic, I deflect the question back to her because I can't answer her question.

"So what do you want to do for yourself?" Pineapple Tat asked.

JY told me she wants to see the world before she gets married and to repay her parents for their investments in her studies.

Some people tell me that JY is a girl, I always tell them she is a woman. Hiding behind her girlish laughter, kiddish voice and small cute shoes, is a woman who impress me with her thoughts sometimes.

Yes it took a 22 years old, now almost 23 years old woman to make a 29 years old man realise what is it that he really wants.

Maybe after she has travelled around the world twice, repaid her parents 5 times over, I would still not know what I really want......

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