Saturday, January 30, 2010

6 Features of Academic Writing

One of the units that I am taking in University is The Critique and Evalaution of Discourse. I don't exactly know what it means, basically it is to teach you to think and write critically and in a academical way. No I don't know what academical means too...

But I do know how to apply its principle, here is how it works, the 6 features of academic writing with true examples are (drum roll please...),

1. Context - Summarize arguments
"I am think I am handsome." (Short and sweet argument)

2. Thesis - Make a bold claim
" I AM handsome." (That's pretty bold isn't it)

3. Navigation - Guide readers to your claim
"I am handsome just look at me!" (See I have provided directional guide)

4. Evidence - Give support to your claim
"I am handsome because I have a girlfriend." (Very good evidence, I can't think of a better one)

5. Counter argument - It's called concessionary refutation, which means you bring in a oppose view to provide both sides of a story and then refute it... Something like that.
"My guy friend say I am ugly but wait... I have a girlfriend and he doesn't, he is the ugly one..." (This is a good shot)

6. Conclusion - Basically a summary
"I am handsome!"

Easy? You can do it too... Next up I want to talk about is common fallacies which mean logical mistakes in reasoning. I think the first one is circular reasoning... Hey wait... I think I will write this another time......

1st Day @ School

Back to school again. I realised I have been studying for most of my life. In fact I have been studying for 81.48148148148% of my life at the age of 27. Here is how it is counted,

2 years of Kindergarden
6 years of Primary School
4 years of Secondary School
4 years of Centralised Institute
1 year of University (Banking & Finance - Not my cup of tea)
2 years of Diploma (Advertising & Design - Advertising works for me, not design, anything to do with technical and maths are not even my cup of soya bean. If I live during stone age, most likely I will be a gatherer.)
And now another 3-4 years in University (it really depends how I choose my units)

That would be a minimum of 22 years of education... That is pretty educated for anyone huh... Ok after completing my degree... I shall call myself Dr Pineapple Tat...

Monday, January 25, 2010

3 Decades of Nothingness

Happy New Year!!........ Oh... It's already 25 Jan...

Ok Happy January!!

3 decades of my life has almost pass... Are we just going through the motion of life... Sleep, eat, work and play... Look forward to something like an event, birthday, holiday, meet up and soon these will pass... These are experiential stuff which some we can remember and some we can't. If we do these things but we forgot about them, should we do it at all?

Can you remember what you eat last Wednesday? Where you go 2 Saturdays ago? What you said to a friend 3 Sundays ago? Remember how you celebrate your first birthday?

I think I will forget that I have written this post after 2 months or after it is being buried by other posts. I always think it is good to have a short memory, so you will become more forgiving. However if we forget, we will not learn our lesson...

If you think this post make no sense... You maybe right... And I will definitely be right that you will forget about this...