Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Woman's Dating Life Cycle

As you grow older, you realise girls around you get more nervous. Not that it is any concern to me, as girls are always nervous around me. They are nervous because they are STILL not married! Guys don't worry, we have a dating life span 10 years more than women. A 40 year old man can still date a 25 year old woman, just look at Jack Nicholason, he is 60 plus (or is it 70?), and he dates women much younger than him (ok you are not Jack Nicholason but you get my point). Whats more, you are given the honour of "eligible bachelor" when you are old and single, while women are called "spinster" (what has old and single women to do with spinning, I do not understand).

I shall enlighten my readers what a typical female dating life cycle looks like:

Stage 1 - 13 to 18 years old (experimenting stage)
At this stage, they don't really know what they want, they might have a rough idea of what kind of a boyfriend they want but usually its only an idea. So at this stage, they don't really care how much money you have, they just have to think you are cute or handsome. Best is to add in a tough guy image but have a soft heart inside kind. Examples are my cousins. They have double digits number of boyfriends, probably have hit the 20 mark and had drain them of all their resources (read carrotheads). To further prove my theory, their boyfriends are the following, jobless, students, wanderer, chiongster, ah-bengs and etc.

Stage 2 - 18 to 25 years (seriously looking)
As I say, since they have a shorter dating life span, they will be tired of experimenting with all the wrong guys, the jerks, assholes and playboys (curiously some take a longer time to learn). At this stage they would already be looking for "The One". They will have all these illusions about "The One". The younger they are at this stage, the more illusions they have. At this stage, they are at the peak of their lives. They probably have a few suitors or a dozens, depending on how many stupid men they know. With so many choices and so little time, they will divide men into 2 groups, forever friends and frogs that might become a Prince. Guys, I can hear you protesting how come all of you are frogs?! Let me ask you this (only for those who have gf b4), when you have a gf, did they ever try to change you? Touch your heart and answer me. Of course they did! Thats why you are a FROG and they kiss a frog in the hope they become a prince and some even get married. This is also the stage where they always play hard to get because they have so much time (its an illusion). They want to take their time to choose.

Stage 3 - 25 to 30 years old (expiring)
By this time, you should have a boyfriend. If you don't have, you should start panicking. At this moment, you might regret why didn't you reciprocate that guy's affection, and now he is happily married. How could you have miss such a good catch?! What were you thinking? And suddenly, you realise all the good men are either attached or married. You now know that those nice and boring men, are really the ONES you want. They are nice, sensitive, put your needs first, listens to you and endure your nonsenses (mood swings). Worse, you have to compete with younger women for men's attention. Now at this stage, your options are more open (desperate), the older you get the more open your options are.

I would really love to draw a graph and even use game theory to analyse these stages with you but due to limitations of this blog, I couldn't illustrate to you these.

For more advices and enquiries, please drop me a msg on msn.

For the next coming issue, I will analyse with you A Man's Dating Life Cycle.

1 comment:

The Relationship Company said...

My pleasure to come across your blog and read it, keep posting.