I suspect the fengshui in certain parts of my office is not good. What you see on top is my office layout. As you can see, I sit facing the corridor. Basically the green dots are people unaffected by the poor fengshui, or rather they don't really affect me. Blue dots are people who are suffering, sorry I mean friendly forces and red dots are hostile forces, not necessary towards me but generally that area is a tense place in my opinion. Coincidentally, those 4 places are occupied by women and coincidentally the people who are suffering are men. I used to walk past that area past my Big Bosses to get my print copies, recently I decide to change my printer, so when I get my print copies, I walk out to the corridor, turn right and away from the pillar to the other printer.
Don't know why everytime I walk pass that area, I break out in cold sweat, get nervous and have a general fear of people calling my name. Even if I have to walk past there, I would walk really fast. Talking to the other blue dot can be quite risky, so I try not to look for him, and if I have to talk to him, I either talk to him over the danger zone (for unimportant things), or walk stealthly over there and whisper to him (for important things).
Why is that place a bad fengshui area?
Because people who sit there become....
1) Temperamental - They get agitate easily, so do not disturb them.
2) Act strangely - Tell people that we are buddies , treated her like one and then keep emphasizng to me that she is a woman.
3) Petty - Get angry over small things and you don't understand why.
4) Lose their sense of reality - One of them told me camera is not a gadget and insist on it despite overwhelming evidence that camera is one.
5) Self-denial - Always saying that the other person is more drama more crazy than them when they are more crazy and drama.
6) Inconsistent - They can laugh at the same joke and then get angry over a similar one.
I have more examples but it would take a century to finish the blog. Why did I conclude that its the fengshui that is not good and not the people? Because one, they are usually quite nice at lunch and after work, two, some of them are reading my blog......
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