Sunday, April 25, 2010

What You Have VS How You Compare To Others

An excerpt from the blog below. How people look at their life in terms of relative size (how you compare to others) instead of absoulute size (what you have)... Think about it... Are you in this trap...

"Robert H. Frank, professor of economics at Cornell University, says that most people find the first option more attractive. When it comes to salaries, we care more about relative size than absolute size. What matters most is earning more than our neighbours.

The same holds true for all sorts of things. The actual size of our apartment matters less than its size compared to everyone else's. And most of us will settle for a modest car - provided our neighbour is driving something worse.

It is a sobering thought. We assume that getting a pay rise, or moving into a new apartment, or trading-up to a better car will bring us increased levels of happiness and satisfaction. In fact, many of us simply raise the bar on what counts as adequate.

We work longer hours, earn more, spend more and consume more. Meanwhile, everyone else does the same. So, by comparison, we are no better off, and therefore no happier.

How true?"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pineapple TODAY & TOMORROW 6th Edition

I have decide to revamp the name again. I mean since I don't even know when I am going to publish the next edition, it could be today, tomorrow or never... So might as well write about what I want to write today and what I want to write tomorrow right... Sounds logical? No?

Initially I thought of writing it daily so that I can empty all the brain rubbish, then I think maybe weekly is better, then bi-weekly, then monthly, then half-yearly or yearly? Maybe irregularly is a better timeline. You see why must newspapers and magazines be publish at fixed intervals? Imagine a newspaper that you can never guess when it is coming out and you are always looking out for it.

Since all great companies has a motto like Google's "Don't be evil", mine shall be "Don't be stupid"... Fitting for a great newspaper like Pineapple Times, TODAY, TODAY & TOMORROW whatever past names it has...

Ok read those sections that interest you... It will help you in life... Really...


Earth News

Like all respectable newspapers, I think we should have a World News Section. I am naming it Earth News since reporting about news around the world is the same as talking about Earth. I think reporting about world news shows the depth about our newspaper... Let me see what I can report about today......... Ok let me go and read other newspapers and come back to this section again...

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

Ridiculous Dreams

You must be wondering what a Ridiculous Dreams Section in a newspaper is for, as the name suggest ridiculous dreams I have. I mean every newspaper can do with a useless section, if you don't believe just flip at the newspaper in your country. I am going to start dumping my brain rubbish...

Today I dreamt of stuffing a bird with a long beak into a plastic bag in a waste paper basket. After wrapping the long beak bird in a plastic bag, I knocked the bag onto a hard surface to make it unconscious. Next I realise the bird was walking out of the plastic bag and breaking into pieces of clay. The end.

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

For the Love of Pineapple Tat & Women Weekly

I have decided to combine both sections from previous editions, I think the topics of love and women should come together. Maybe I should add in a money column too... Love... Women... Money... Hmmm sounds familiar...

Last Saturday, my classmate Mr Sichuan, who is from China tol
d me that he thought Singaporean women expects their other half to earn at least 6,000 (no, not in RMB) a month. I thought where did he heard it from... I hope its true because I have a Singaporean girlfriend...

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

Believe Me I am in Advertising...

Well... This section is about the industry I am in... Believe me I am going to sleep now... However true to my last revamp promise here is a sexy model for you......

Corresondent: Pineapple Tat

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Third Party

Ms K told me that she dreamt of a third party in our lives. She saw the girl approached her and wanted to tell her about 'us'. I intercepted and held both the girl's hands and pull her to one side telling her that I have not told her about 'us' yet... Strangely in real life, I think I will just pretend that I don't know who that person is and assume she is a crazy woman...

The next thing is that Ms K said she could see the third party clearly. She describe her as short and someone from my class. I hope this third party is beautiful and rich... Beautiful, for no reason... Rich, so that I can stop working and retire... Plus it would be good if she can drive and cook too... These are important skills, so that she can drive me anywhere I want to go and eat whatever I thought of... (Ok I am dreaming...)

Anyway I didn't ask for more details because I didn't think she existed... Until Ms K told me she even knew her name... It really made me sit up... I said 'who'? Her name she said is called Erdinger... I think I have met her somewhere before......