Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pineapple TODAY & TOMORROW 6th Edition

I have decide to revamp the name again. I mean since I don't even know when I am going to publish the next edition, it could be today, tomorrow or never... So might as well write about what I want to write today and what I want to write tomorrow right... Sounds logical? No?

Initially I thought of writing it daily so that I can empty all the brain rubbish, then I think maybe weekly is better, then bi-weekly, then monthly, then half-yearly or yearly? Maybe irregularly is a better timeline. You see why must newspapers and magazines be publish at fixed intervals? Imagine a newspaper that you can never guess when it is coming out and you are always looking out for it.

Since all great companies has a motto like Google's "Don't be evil", mine shall be "Don't be stupid"... Fitting for a great newspaper like Pineapple Times, TODAY, TODAY & TOMORROW whatever past names it has...

Ok read those sections that interest you... It will help you in life... Really...


Earth News

Like all respectable newspapers, I think we should have a World News Section. I am naming it Earth News since reporting about news around the world is the same as talking about Earth. I think reporting about world news shows the depth about our newspaper... Let me see what I can report about today......... Ok let me go and read other newspapers and come back to this section again...

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

Ridiculous Dreams

You must be wondering what a Ridiculous Dreams Section in a newspaper is for, as the name suggest ridiculous dreams I have. I mean every newspaper can do with a useless section, if you don't believe just flip at the newspaper in your country. I am going to start dumping my brain rubbish...

Today I dreamt of stuffing a bird with a long beak into a plastic bag in a waste paper basket. After wrapping the long beak bird in a plastic bag, I knocked the bag onto a hard surface to make it unconscious. Next I realise the bird was walking out of the plastic bag and breaking into pieces of clay. The end.

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

For the Love of Pineapple Tat & Women Weekly

I have decided to combine both sections from previous editions, I think the topics of love and women should come together. Maybe I should add in a money column too... Love... Women... Money... Hmmm sounds familiar...

Last Saturday, my classmate Mr Sichuan, who is from China tol
d me that he thought Singaporean women expects their other half to earn at least 6,000 (no, not in RMB) a month. I thought where did he heard it from... I hope its true because I have a Singaporean girlfriend...

Correspondent: Pineapple Tat

Believe Me I am in Advertising...

Well... This section is about the industry I am in... Believe me I am going to sleep now... However true to my last revamp promise here is a sexy model for you......

Corresondent: Pineapple Tat

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