Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rubbish Truck Theory

Mama Sim looks like she has tears in her eyes.

She said, “You are very bad. How can you call people a rubbish truck, they have feelings too you know.”

I know.

Mama Sim was able to relate to how one man in her life qualifies as a ‘Rubbish Truck’.

I was explaining to Mama Sim about this Rubbish Truck Theory that I discovered and how it applies to a woman’s life.

Basically a ‘Rubbish Truck’ refers to a man who will always be there for you but you will never be with him. No, I am not referring to your father or the IT man you always call for help but will never go with him for lunch.

How to qualify or know that someone is a ‘Rubbish Truck’

1. You have been ‘waiting’ for this woman for months, years or centuries to be your girlfriend, wife or mistress even if she is attached.
2. When you call her and she doesn’t pick up, you will call again and again and again until she picks up. If she still doesn’t pick up, you will SMS her. She just has to reply you.
3. You are the ‘hero’ of her life. Like superman, you will always fly there when she needs help, even if she did not ask you.

Of course there are more scenarios, so basically when she needs to dump rubbish, you are always ready and there to take her rubbish. Clearing her rubbish is your priority.

Basic Uses of a Rubbish Truck

According to Mama Sim, one way she uses her rubbish truck is to purposely go out with him to make another man jealous.

Here are some other ways,
1. You want to go out and you can’t find anyone, so you call your rubbish truck to accompany you. (Male escort)
2. You want to perform some physical activities but felt incapable of, so you get your rubbish truck to carry your shopping bags, throw your old furniture etc. (Labourer)
3. You have no idea how to fix your kitchen tap, how to buy a toilet bowl, why your computer is not working etc. You get him to fix these without paying.(Technician)
4. You need transport but the bus is too slow and the train does not reach the place within a 1 metre radius but your rubbish truck can drive you there. (Chauffeur)

Really the list goes on, as you can see having a few rubbish trucks is very useful especially when different man have different talent and amount of money. (Luckily I have no talent and not much money, ok that’s beside the point)

The End of a Rubbish Truck

In the end, all rubbish trucks will either disappear when you are married or still hang around as long as they have hope or sometimes they are just used to be around you.

They can get married and still call you once in a while to update their lives with you or even seek your advice when they are deciding whether to get marry like this,

“If you tell me not to marry her, I will not marry her.”

Something like that.

Of course some rubbish trucks do become sport cars in the end which these women want to drive and bring around to show their family and friends.

Maybe hard work sometimes does work…

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Women are actually very easy to understand

“Women are actually very easy to understand…”

That is a pretty bold claim coming from any 25-year-old man, especially when he is telling this to another 29-year-old man.

Last Friday, I met up with SC over beer and dinner at Nabins to catch up at an Arabian restaurant for youngsters. (I think I was in the top 10% of the age demographic there)

Talking to SC is always enlightening because he says things that you never thought of and would not expect from someone like him.

According to Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which we both did the personality test together; he is supposed to be an ISTJ, which is an introvert - “ISTJs are quiet and reserved individuals who are interested in security and peaceful living”.

What he has done so far

Updating me on his life, he has just quit his new job after 3 months because he was too bored being a client (he joined from an advertising agency) and started his own freelancing.

He purposely screwed up his new relationship by ‘confessing’ (that’s what he calls it) to his girlfriend on how he actually felt about their relationship because she was beginning to talk to him about their future.

He told me he has relationship commitment issue and would freak out whenever a woman talks to him about the future. He even asked me if it is wrong of him to promise a woman everything she asked, and then use it to ‘confess’ that he don’t really mean it when he wants to break up. (he use this trick quite often)

I think I punched him. (No, I am kidding, why would I do that? He is so funny)

Based on his morals (yes, he still has some left somewhere), he felt it is wrong to waste a woman’s youth and ‘park’ too long in their life. He felt it is right to end things quickly when he is not serious about it.

He says he felt painful too whenever he ends a relationship, although I am not sure which part of the body the pain comes from.

To him ‘Love’ is a concept that is being invented and Shakespeare was the one who invented it. According to him, ‘Love’ is a trend that is invented and accepted by so many people that it becomes the norm.

What he is doing now

SC is now something of a mini-guru because he is writing a book to be published, conducting workshops and speaking at conferences. No, he is not a dating guru like those that you (referring to men only) are searching online. He is a tech guy.

Women are actually very easy to understand

I know you men must have skipped the middle passages to look for the answer and you don’t really care who SC is as a person.

The principle is actually pretty simple to write, only one sentence. He said,

“Women are always looking for meaning in everything.”

Ok I know you men must be like “HUH?”

Don’t worry if you think you need more explanation on this life-saving principle, I can always arrange a meeting between you and SC for a small fee.

I think I finally almost understand women

After SC said that, I think I am really on my way to almost understanding women.

Now I think I can understand why whenever I asked a woman question, they would always reply my question with another question.

That is because they are looking for meaning in my question, although I am not too sure why.

However after replying my question with a question, and then I reply their question with a question like “why can’t you just answer my question?” They would always accuse me of being overconfident.

One day, I decided to ask a member of the female race, why does this same scenario keep repeating in my life. She said that’s because the problem lies with me.

HUH? ……