Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am back!

Ok I know I should have write my blog almost everyday right but my brother was using the computer to watch anime. I am not a barbaric person, that is why I did not use my position as the "big brother" to ask him to let me use the computer. (except when I need to do work)

Everyday I always thought of what to write, however when I reach home, either I forgot what to write or I have no mood to write. I used to think that since I am doing a social experiement on blog writing like a girl, I wanted to name each blog entry "Social Experiment Day 1", "Social Experiment Day 2" etc.

However I scrap that idea of the naming convention. Maybe... I should scrap this whole experiment! By the way I took some photos. You must be wondering why I didn't post them. Too lazy lor...

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