I have forgotten yesterday... I cannot remember today... And I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow... Actually I am just good at pretending that nothing happened...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sleepless In Singapore
Of course it cannot compare with the immortals of the Subaru Challenge, where contestants go more than 80 hours without sleep to win a car. I am only a mortal, so not going without sleep for more than 10 hours is wrong... totally wrong...
I know you think that I love to sleep, it's true and that's because I don't really sleep when I sleep. That's because everytime I sleep, I dream a lot and it feels like watching a movie, very drama and meaningless. It's just like drama serial except you don't understand it.
Correction, my dreams should be consider movies because everytime I woke up from a dream and sleep back again, I dream of something different...
Imagine after a hard day at work, you go home and watch TV. After watching TV, you go back to work again. That is how I feel...
And it's no secret that Sunday is my favourite day of the week because I get to sleep the whole day. To make up for the sleep that I have lost for the week...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Take Me Away From December
Apparently got contagious flu flying around Singapore. Not very obvious one because the phlegm is suppose to flow inwards not out. And you are not suppose to spit it out because it will cause dehydration. Cannot drink tea, coffee, spicy food, citrus and that is all I can remember. I asked how about alcohol? Doctor hesitate for a while, of course the safe answer would be 'no'. However he says if taken with the cough mixture, will get drunk easily. So is can drink or cannot??
I feel very exhausted, stress balls (a guy from my agency describe stress this way, not sure what balls are he refering to) and poor appetite plus lots of wind in the stomach.
Not a smooth month for work too... Campaign results not good, contingency plan not approve yet, potential partnership not going through. And to think the same time last year I won a pair of tickets to New York.
Take me away from December...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
About Buying A Car
Throughout the years, I was told by both male and female that owning a car will help you a lot in getting girls. The theory is that a girl will be more willing to go out with you since it's convenient. You fetch her and send her home, pick her up anywhere and go out. And most importantly, it will impress her friends. (Depending on the model of the car)
Mr Hans's colleague's boyfriend actually refused to buy a car and she was pretty pissed. I suspect she is psychoing Mr Hans to buy a car, so that he can drive her out of Tuas. (Extreme West of Singapore, a place where birds will not lay eggs and dogs will not poo place) Ok this is pure speculation.
Buying a car to impress and court girls works but it is a short sighted solution. Why short sighted? Here's what happens when you get the girl with your car...
1. You are expected to send her to work
2. You are expected to fetch her from work and send her home
3. You are expected to send her mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, friends, friend's dog home
4. You must fetch her laundry
5. You must drive her to Malaysia
6. You have no excuse not to go out
7. You have to know where to have fun since you have a car
8. You have to do whatever since you have a car
9. You have to go wherever since you have a car
10. You have to do it just because you have a car
I have just given you 10 good reasons on not to have a car. Mr Han's colleague's boyfriend is pretty long sighted since he refused to buy a car. But still not long sighted enough. What do I mean by that? To be truly long sighted, the answer is DON'T GET A DRIVING LICENCE. So that your girlfriend can't be angry with you for not buying a car. Because you can't even drive! An example of a truly long sighted person is me. :)
But if you still insist on having a car because you really want that girl, then sell the car after she becomes your girlfriend...
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Pineapple Tat: "What juice?"
Mr Fly: "Neh... Juice..." (Looking sheepishly at a female figure walking past)
Pineapple Tat: "Orh... Juice ah..."
And to think he was thirsty and wanted to drink juice, he was actually describing the delicious female species. And then how does he describe the opposite of delicious?
Mr Fly: "Really cui..." ('Cui' is a chinese dialect which means "collaspe" or "broken" I think)
'Cui' to be more precise means 'CMI' = Cannot make it
And if you are wondering how does this really help you in life, it doesn't. I am just writing for fun...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Pineapple Times 2 1/2 Edition
Of course there are a few important reasons for the delayed publication like,
1. Lazy - I don't blog for a living, so no incentive.
2. Playing computer games (Championship Manager 2006) - Yup have been living in the fantasy world. I wanted to stop and move on with life but suddenly I won a trophy in the game, so must continue...
3. No payment received yet - Obviously the online electronic payment didn't work.
You must be wondering why it is 2 and a half edition, that's because this is half of what I wanted to write.
Read the sections that interest you... It will help you in your life... Really...
Train of Thoughts
Recently I just called my buddy, it's has been some time since I spoke to him. So I decided to call him anyway 1 day...
I have a buddy from army who was assigned to me during National Service. It was not by choice, it was by fate because buddies are assigned based on birth dates. He is a pretty interesting fellow and I have not seen him for centuries. Although there are the occasional calls but usually I am alseep because either the call is too early or too late. Ok I sleep a lot...
He is a pretty witty fellow and probably he can have a book of quotes from him.
The conversation below started because I wanted to prove that he was talking cock when he says his friends are more important than his girlfriend.
Here is one classic quote from him...
Pineapple Tat: "Wah lau eh... Your girlfriend is more important than us..." (big mistake)
Mr Buddy: "Of course la... I can bang my girlfriend... Can you let me bang you..." (-_-" point taken)
For more information on this legendary person, you can read about this fellow below...
Team 424
My Buddy and Me
Life is like a box of chocolates
Oh if you like what you read about him... He should be still single... If you like guys who are humourous, likes risk taking and enjoy a good emotional roller coaster... He is the one for you!
Learnings from him is if someone says his friends is more important than his girlfriend, chances are he is bluffing... Don't believe, read his quotes again...
Ok if you like this guy, you know where to look for him...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Love Column
I have thought of a few titles like,
1. Pineapple Economics of Love
2. Dr Pineapple Love
3. Love Love Pineapple
Of course I still can't decide what the title is, let me continue until I thought of one...
Marketers are Liars
It's true that in Marketing, you will meet a lot of beautiful women. Of course that also depends on what industry you are in and what you are marketing. If you are marketing ship paint or springs, chances are that you will meet men only.
So why does the Marketing Profession has many opportunities of meeting beautiful women?
Because the job requires you to meet lots of people from advertising, public relations, events, media, marketing research, modelling agency and other marketers. All of these dominated by women...
Since this is the 2nd and a half edition, of course I will not complete it... Hee...
Editors note
Recently I seek an internet geomancer (someone from my interactive agency) and was told that wordpress.com (another blog) is better. I am contemplating moving my blog to wordpress but like quite messy after shifting it over... Let me think about it...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Pineapple Times 2nd Edition
1. Take your credit or debit card
2. Eject your CD-ROM (yes I mean your computer cd-rom)
3. Put your card on the CD-ROM
4. Close your CD-ROM
5. A pop up screen should appear
6. If it doesn't, start from step 1 again.
Ok read the sections that interest you... It will help you in your life... Really...
The Pineapple Times
Train of Thoughts
As the headline suggest, I usually have thoughts when I am in the train. Not that I don't think when I am static, in fact I have lots of ideas about work when I sit stationary on the toilet bowl. So this section is about random thoughts.
My lecturer told me she couldn't understand how someone can get up late in the day especially after 12 noon. She thought that people who has this practice must be lazy. Then slowly as she got older, she realised;
"Everyone is made differently..."
She said that some people work better in the day, some better at night. This statement is especially useful when you are irritated by someone's action or are baffled by their senseless motivations at work... Tell yourself "Everyone is made differently..."
Some people are idiots and some are not...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Money Matters
Yesterday Mr Fly told me that he is going to buy stocks in a company that produces steels. I asked him whether it is a commodity, he replied that it should be since its made from iron ore.
Talking about commodities, they are things like coffee beans, tea leaves, soya beans etc. Remember if you were to buy for example soya beans. You are suppose to sell it within certain timeline (usually a month I think). And if you forgot about it, you will receive a call from the port asking you to collect your container load of soya beans. So most importantly, if you were to buy commodities, buy something that you LIKE, like coffee beans. Even you forget to sell, at least you have a lifetime supply of coffee.
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Marketers Are Liars
As you know (if you don't know), I am in marketing. There are those trade publications like Marketing-interactive and The Marketer. I reckon I should start my own marketing column called "Marketers Are Liars". We are not really liars, we are just story tellers. We all like to sell a good story and then of course you will buy from us.
As you know (if you don't know again), I am managing direct marketing channels and one of them is SMS. You know those SMS you receive Adv
Yah... You could be receiving those that I sent.
Anyway there will be people who unsubscribe to SMS notifications during each campaign. As unsubscribing is automated, you actually have to reply as indicated in the SMS to unsubscribe. If not the system cannot identify your SMS and unsubscribe you. (yes the system is not that intelligent yet)
So part of my job is to manually unsubscribe people from the SMS list in the event they spell wrongly 'unsub' like 'unscb'. Some people are polite to actually type a full sentence to indicate their intentions like "Please unsubscribe me from you list. Thank you." or "Unsubscribe. Thks." These are genuine mistakes, so I have to manually remove them as the system cannot recognise such instructions.
I actually receive an unsubscribe request in this format and in this case the unsubscribe command is 'X'. Here is one classic SMS:
F**k you man! I dont give a f**k care about your f**king contest! X!
Ok as you can see from the above SMS, obviously the system won't unsubscribe the number...
Anyway I am thinking of sending an SMS response (using the system of course) to that person's number in the below format,
"This is an automated reply. Your SMS has been forwarded to the police. They will be calling you shortly."
This should be quite cool...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Pineapple Times
The Pineapple Times
Money Matters
I finally mailed my insurance application today, finally opened an online trading account with DBS Vickers and finally I am going to get rich.....
According to Mr Fly (long long time never wrote about him) Now the stock market is displaying Double 'M' Top or Double Top 'M', whichever it is, it means the market is going to slide further.
As much as you think I am going to give you some tips on stocks, I am going to tell you what a taxi driver tell me about stocks. He said and prophesize that economy goes into decline every 12 years, especially in the Year of the Tiger, he gave some examples like 1978/79, 1998/99 and the next one will be 2009/10. However if you notice, some of the maths don't seem to quite add up. Anyway something money related is that every time when it is the Year of the Rat, there will be heavy flooding. (water = money)
In case you wonder how come the taxi uncle still drives taxi, I suspect its his hobby, if not he must really not like money...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Women Weekly
As I spoke to my lecturer (obviously a woman) about this guy leaving his job, the first thing she said, "He must have been sacked!" Obviously she knows and detest this man and then she told me...
Lecturer: "Bad guys will always get sacked."
Pineapple Tat: "But they always climbed very high." (in the corporate world)
Lecturer: "Yes but they will get sacked one day."
Pineapple Tat: "Really?"
And then she rest her hand on my shoulder and reassured me,
Lecturer: "Yes... Trust me... They will get sacked one day."
And then another woman told me about this wicked man whom she describe as having amnesia and forgot about what he said that he will support her on. I am not sure if he really deserved it but...
She exclaimed: "He is really a wicked man, he will become an ant in his next life!"
In case you think that Women Weekly is going to teach you about how to get free sex or court girls... Nope... Its about how women curse men weekly...
So bad and wicked people will get sacked and become an ant in their next life...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
My Space
I was sitting in a huge glass cube at this meeting where there were 2 men in front of me discussing about something. However all I could pick out was portal, COTU and Aria. I suspect that they are not speaking English and I am very sure they are talking about teleporting a secret weapon to destroy another planet. And then I realised they had pointed ears. And then I realised I must be in the wrong galaxy and then I kept pressing my watch trying to beam myself away from that glass cube, back to my Pineapple Starship...
Next time when you are stuck in the wrong galaxy, just say that you need to refill the urinal so that it can start flushing again. Ok I know... Crap...
Correspondent: Pineapple Tat
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Learn how to chase girl?
Learn how to tell jokes?
Watch the videos @... http://www.laughoutloud.com.sg/#Scene_1
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
To Love An Imperfect Man
I look into my wallet and I am not sure what wonderful things can this little money buy...
I thank God for sending me this wonderful woman into my life...
For she does not ask of me to pluck the stars up in the sky for her or to dig for diamonds under the earth...
For she will be happy just to have the sweets in my pocket...
And to have such a wonderful woman loving an imperfect man like me, what more can I ask for...
Dedicated to Ms K and I want to wish you a Happy Birthday!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Mid 20s Crisis
Being 25, I think I am having a quarter life crisis (remember I will live to 100 and beyond). Because I have:
1. Resign from my job: Strangely everything seems quiet, no hooha nothing. Of course it's good, just that it feels strangely quiet, like calmness before a storm...
2. Found a new job: I am looking forward to the new challenges and to learn new things. People usually get excited about it... Not sure why I am not...
3. Lessons postponed: My lecturer went for an op suddenly, glad that everything turns out well for her. However not sure when the lessons will resume and project postpone till when...
4. Financial: Haven't bought my insurance, start investment, file my tax, save enough money for education...
5. Education: Will be taking my degree next year after I complete my diploma this year, it will be another 2 years of studying and by that time I would be 28...
6. No one seduce me: Yah... Why don't have?
Things and life seem to stop moving...
And talking about me living to 100, I think I will tell Ms K that if she live to be 100, I hope to live to be 100 and minus a day. Why? So that I will not live a day without her...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Top 10 Women
1. An April Summer Breeze (March 17, 2006)
2. Dreaming Ms K (March 17, 2006)
3. Jingle Bells Jingle Bells (March 18, 2006)
4. A Passing of a April Shower (March 22, 2006)
5. Lost in the Train of Thoughts (March 25, 2006)
6. Slack and Slacker (April 06, 2006)
7. Credit Card, Dream Girl and Lily (October 02, 2006)
8. Looking Forward to Something Everyday (October 09, 2006)
9. Pieces (October 17, 2006)
10. Waiting for you (October 21, 2006)
11. Fate (February 05, 2007)
12. Balloons (February 10, 2007)
You must be wondering how come it is more than 10? Since my heart is full of love, there is definitely space for more than 10.....
New York Updates
Title: Learning Experience (07 March 2008)
Title: 10 Signs you have been to New York (04 March 2008)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Out Of Singapore Reply
Your visit to my blog is important. I will be out of Singapore from 23/02/08 to 02/03/08. You may call or SMS me while I am in New York. However, I will not pick up your phone call or even reply you because it cost a bomb. And in the event I do accidentally pick up your call, I will charge it to you when I come back. For anything else, please don't call me and no I will not buy anything for you...
Have a blessed weekend ahead!
Warm Regards,
Pineapple Tat
Sunday, January 27, 2008
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?
What Wei Tat Means |
![]() You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Saturday, January 19, 2008
2 More People
As I was pondering on what kind of girl I mean person I should look for, I came across a social escort agency website (I am not going to tell you why I am there) and saw this recruitment ad on their website, it was advertised as follows,
"We are continuously recruiting for exquisite, beautiful young ladies who wish to join us as an escort-model or traveling companion."
- You must be between 18 and 32 years old
- You must be well educated
- You must have a warm and sophisticated personality
- You must feel comfortable in a variety of social and business circle
- You must be well mannered and well spoken
The above ad is well written and the requirements are simple, so I have decided to use it in my own recruitment ad. As I do not have a budget to advertise in the papers, I will just use my blog to advertise. So here is how my ad looks like,
"We are recruiting for exquisite, beautiful young ladies who wish to join us as an merchant relations associate" (I know there isn't much change except the last few words, I mean this sentence is already beautifully crafted, what else can I change?)
::You must be between 18 and 25 years old (must be younger than me)
::You must be well educated (negotiable)
::You must have a warm and sophisticated personality (very important)
::You must feel comfortable in a variety of social and business circle (for work)
::You must be well mannered and well spoken (a must)
As you can see my requirements are pretty simple, so I should be able to find someone soon. Oh yah, we regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notify and if you are a guy wanting to apply, you can forget about it...
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
When I was in secondary school, I wanted to be a pilot, a fighter Pilot to be exact. Maybe it's because I watch the movie"Top Gun" and think to myself "that's cool". However I heard you have to have prefect eyesight and have to be good at maths. Well, I have the former but I can't even count to save my life. On top of that, I am afraid of heights and speed. Ok I know, guys should like racing cars right, not me.
As I go into pre-university education, I wanted to be a Policeman. I mean I would love to catch bad guys and really kick their ass. Then I realise and heard from people that being a policeman isn't really about that, depending on what you are doing, it can be boring or political.
After National Service, I wanted to be a investment Banker, so I took a degree in banking and Finance. Realise that it's really boring and I still hate maths! Actually as long as the maths made sense to me, I am fine but I cannot really understand why we are studying C Maths, F Maths and all those that we never will apply in life. Met a career counsellor in school, told him that I wanted to go into the marketing, advertising & media, public relations industry. He told me I should just switch course and do something I like.
Finally I decided to switch to a Professional Diploma in Advertising and Design because I wanted to be a Copywriter. Come out to work and took it part time. Good move because by God's grace I actually got into a marketing department indirectly. Now I can be a Marketer too!
After going through my part time course, met some people from the advertising & media industry, took a module on media planning and found that media planning is so interesting! Now I want to be a Media Planner.
Waiting for the opportunity to happen...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I See People Everywhere
I see them at the MRT stations, saw them at nightspots, bump into them at shopping malls, even going for IPPT (a compulsory fitness test for previously conscript soldiers) at Maju Camp, I actually had the same test date with my friend Mr Alien who stays at Pasir Ris. Today I was given a shock when Ms Kitty, an ex-colleague, "OEI" me at Burger King at International Plaza. She happens to be on off today and was meeting a friend. I even saw an ex-boyfriend of a ex-classmate twice at Tanjong Pagar, once standing right in front of me in the train, another time walking past me at an underpass.
Everything is such a concidence or maybe it's fate or maybe I can just pretend I don't see them.
Some say it's because I have many friends.
Some say it's because I am good at recognising faces.
I say I should not owe people any money,
Because I cannot run away......
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sabbatical means: any extended period of leave from one's customary work, esp. for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.
When I say sabbatical, I mean the meaning in bold, nope I am not acquiring a new skill, however if that makes for a good excuse I would take it.
Another meaning of sabbatical: a leave usually taken every seventh year (the length of leave is usually 1 year)
I have been living in this world for almost 26 years, which means I can take 3 years of leave, so it means my next sabbatical is when I am 28 years old. I am looking forward to that and for every 7 years we live in this world, we should take a year leave.
Argghhh... I keep having strange thoughts about resting...
Monday, January 07, 2008
How To Drive A Man Crazy
1. Off shoulder clothes, the lower the better
Apparently when women show their shoulders, it drives men nuts. That is why in dating websites for foreign brides market to Europeans, the women are told to wear off shoulder clothes in their photos.
2. Tight skirts with slits, the higher the better
Ever wonder why cheongsams are design the way they are? To keep cool? Noooo.... To attract men of course, the ancients have always scheme against the man race.
3. Absurdly high heel shoes with strap around the ankles
I must admit these shoes really look nice. Makes the legs look tone, however its just another trap to drive men crazy...
Ok... After crapping about the above, seriously ladies you can try them and you will notice more men will look at you. Trust me... And if you happen to know me and dress like that, and realise that I am not looking at you, that's because I have stronger will power than most men. If you don't believe, you can try wearing it in front of me.......
Happy For Nothing?
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Jobs Seekers Job Leavers
Yesterday I met up with my old schoolmates from my A Level days, somehow we lost touch for a period of time and suddenly we are meeting for gatherings. I think as we grew older, we need more friends or rather we don't really make new friends.
Of course when in school you talk about school and now we talk about work. Great to know Mr Nose found a job in a bank which named itself after a woman. He has been looking for a job. Coincidentally, Ms Pooh's boyfriend Mr Pooh got one at the same bank. Mr Sun is also looking for a job in the finance industry, Mr Alien will also soon be looking for one in the middle of the year after graduating. These are the job seekers.
Ms Pooh has left her job without one, Mr Alien's girlfriend Mrs Alien is contemplating to resign due to her boss not fulfilling his promise, Ms K of course has thought of resigning for months since starting work at her new place because of her boss too. These are the job leavers.
As you can see, everyone is thinking of getting a new job or leaving their current one even without finding a new one. And everytime someone says they want to leave, the question is "Is your boss a woman?" I am not saying a woman boss is not good but apparently bad working experiences occur with woman bosses and I had 2. Apparently the criteria for a woman boss to be crazy is that they have to be of certain age, no children and single. For my previous 2 bosses, they are married but their husbands are not with them, so its as good as they are single and of certain age.
You must be thinking that I am stereotyping people, well if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck. Now did I just saw some signs that I am leaving too...
Note: My current boss is ok, however I have just encountered a crazy woman and of course some uncertainty.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Dream Dream Dream
Today I had another dream...
Ring Ring Ring
Pineapple Tat: "Hello."
Caller: "Hello, is this American Express?"
Pineapple Tat:" Errr... No... This is Dat Banking Syndicate. How did you get my number?"
Caller:"Oh sorry... Someone gave me your number, ok bye..."
Pineapple Tat told Superman and Ms Piggy: "Hey, someone called me and thought she is calling American Express... Ha, I wished..."
Before I left the Old Chinese Banking Company, the sages over there warn me about going to Dat Banking Syndicate. Their prophecies keep ringing in my ears....
Sage Number 1: "People who has went there, in the end came back here..."
Sage Number 2: "Huhhhh.... You are going over there ar..."
Sage Number 3: "Why are you going over there??"
Sage Number 4: "What! You are going over there..."
And plus 254 other sages prophezies the same thing but in different variations. I never doubt leaving the incense smoke filled temple though the people there are friendly and helpful. I mean I was going for gold... Besides I am a mercenary, I can't live with nice people...
I was reaching for a cave full of gold but I found out it was a store room full of boxes and paper. Everyone seem to be keeping to themselves, form their own tribes, are hermits or outcasts. The real cave full of gold was in another cave deeper in the ground, still I heard there was silent war. I am glad I am in this store room afterall because it could be worse...
Then I realised one thing, that I forgot to reply the person who ask me whether I want to go to American Express or did she ask me whether she is calling American Express? AHHHHH! I can't call her back because it is a private number...
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
A Really Lucky Draw
Since everyone is guaranteed a prize, naturally people are disappointed when they are being picked first cos the best prizes are announced last. I can't believe it when the lucky draw picker refuse to announced my name, I was never a big fan of lucky draw that is why I don't buy 4D or lottery. Yes you heard right, lottery is a lucky draw and I don't care if you think 6th sense (if you consider that a skill) and mathematical ability is required of it.
Now there are only 4 people left announced the lucky draw picker and they are all women's names... Huh?? Later I realised I am not in the draw due to a mix-up and the last few prizes are air tickets to far far away places like Japan and London. I wasn't disappointed seriously because these things are not mine in the first place.
When it was drawn to the last 2 prizes, the organiser suddenly realise that there are 6 people left and miraclously they decide to include everyone and....... I won 2 air tickets to New York....
Clean and Scrub, Spick and Span
I think I took about 3 hours to clean just the fan, clear the cabinet and throw away all the useless stuffs, so that I will have more space to keep other useless stuffs... And I don't even know why I am writing about this... I guess packing and cleaning your house is theurapatic, it can make you feel happy and lighter; I am talking about it emotionally not your weight, so ladies you can try it. Sometimes losing weight don't really make you happy, only housework does...