Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Courtship or torture??

I had always admire guys who have the persistence and determination to court a girl for a extended period of time( anytime from 1/2yr to 20 yrs). I admire that they have the balls to stick to their guns(no pun intended). Am I like that? NOOOOOO.... cos I think its stupid.
Hahaha... You read right... STUPID. Then how come I admire these guys? I admire them for their character. Probably deep deep down inside me I hope I am like that. I dont know... Its for me to know and for you to find out.

My friend Mr Gump had like this girl for 6 years. His mood is in tune with her. When she is happy, he is happy, when she is sad, he is also sad. He knows he might not be with her and hope the best for her. Every time he ask her out, she would say she is busy, too tired... You know the typical womanese excuses. He never gives up. Probably I would only ask once then forget about it, the most twice, anything more than that is out of convenience.

We should be cool about things. I cant imagine myself courting a girl for 4 MONTHS! My friend Mr Rooster did. He court his girlfriend for 4 months! He was successful of course and happily in love. I guess I am lazy thats why. You got to ask the girl out every week, keep in touch every now and then and worse think of what to buy for her Birthday, Valentines Day, Christmas, National Day, Labour Day, Deepavali etc.

I like what Mr Buddy told me: " Let nature takes its course."(Shun Qi Zhi Ran) In fact I love it! Sounds like minimal effort to me. Of course there were a few critics like Mr Cliff and Mr Fly. They say its bullshit. They say:"If you dont do anything, nothing will HAPPEN!" Mr Cliff and Mr Fly also say that:" Its not often that you find someone that you really like, so you should go for it." They told me about their opinions individually and on different occasions. Great minds think alike?? Nah.... A common view?? Hmmm.... I dont know. That may explains why some guys are persistant in their pursuit for that certain female specimen. Because its not often that you come across someone you are fond of. Is it true for you?

Sometimes I see my friends' mind being mess up. Everything she does or says, takes up some significance and might not mean anything at all. Then they go around asking their friends what it means. And I have to INTERPRET it! Ha... Wonder if there is an occupation for this, I think i will make big bucks!. Hahahaha. Guys take my advice, its the best in the world...................

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