Sunday, April 16, 2006

Take the Lead

This is a post I should have written last Thursday. It is because that is when I caught the movie "Take the lead". Great movie. Captivating. The movie makes me anticipate its ending. Makes me sit at the edge of my seat. Today I am going to write something serious.... I want to be a movie critic.

In the movie, Dulaine (Antonio Banderas) witnesses a student from an urban high school committing an act of vandalism. He visits the school the next day and ends up offering his services as a dance instructor as a way of helping the underprivileged students. The principal, Augustine James (Alfre Woodard), puts him in charge of detention, on the grounds that nothing could be more punishing to the students than being subjected to ballroom dancing. Of course, it comes as a huuuuge surprise to everyone but Dulaine and the audience when the daily-detention crowd not only learns ballroom dancing, but Lessons About Life. And finally, a big contest takes place in which the street-smart minority kids compete against the snooty rich white kids.

Do catch the movie if you have the chance. I always wanted to learn ballroom dancing myself too. Just need to find someone to join me. All the grace and the fun. Oh yah.... I cut and paste the review from somewhere. Cos I just cannot be serious......

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